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Gemini Goddess

Expert Body Contouring in Fairfax,  


Love Your New Look

At Gemini Goddess, we're dedicated to helping you look how you feel. Some patients come to us wanting a tweak to their appearance, others come to us looking for a full body makeover. Regardless of your reasons, we're here to help.
A combination of experience and training allows us to offer choice body contouring services to Fairfax,  residents. Let us know what you want, and we'll let you know how we can help.

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There are as many looks as there are people, and different people require different procedures. Below, you'll find the services we offer.

Laser Lipo

Laser Lipo is a non-invasive body contouring mechanism designed to aid in losing stubborn fat, helping to achieve a natural figure.

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Waxing Services

Waxing is a safe, economical and reliable way of removing body hair. Unlike shaving, a good wax can keep that unwanted body hair away for as long as 6 weeks. By adding waxing to your beauty regime, you will make your skin glow with radiance while feeling smooth, fresh and clean.

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Skin Tightening

Radio Frequency (RF) stimulates the skin to break down cellulite-causing fat cells. RF instantly tightens and lifts fibers under the skin which gives the skin a tighter feel and look.

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Fairfax, , VA  

Gemini Goddess

The look you desire

Customer Quotes

"This is a friendly and professional environment to get your beauty needs accomplished. The shop was clean when i arrived which allowed me to feel safe and secure with service....I lost several inches after service and was very plz with my results!! Def returning!" 

Deshae Tucker
“Nikki, is the sweetest person you will ever want to meet, she welcomes you with refreshing cucumber water, her touch is gentle and she lets you pick your music station. I love it here. The service I received was cavitation and when I Say l Iove my results ILOVE MY RESULTS. keep up the good work Nikki. I just booked my next 10 sessions. One session and 3 inches down 1 pound lost < I'm not Complaining at all."
Nicole George
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